Schick plinth in blue…

Schick blue plinth

Thomas – Ok. You asked for blue? (heavy german accent)

Me – Yes, Thomas. (à la French)

Thomas – Are you vertig? (very solemn)

Me – Yes Thomas… (getting seriously worried)

Thomas – Allez, les Bleus.
Louis XIV – Le bras, c’est moi (Perfect german French accent… and nearly perfect quotation of the French king Louis XIV who said once : “le roi, c’est moi” and that Thomas changed into “the tonearm (bras), it’s me”).

You can guess that the combination of these last few words and the discovery of this new Schick plinth color got me in quite a state. I found both superb. Absolutely superb. I want one for my TD-124 (King Thomas can you hear me?)