Archives par auteur François

Come On Die Young seems to be lasting longer than what the Young Team had in mind…

  We all have some fond memories, some teenage dreams. Mine were partly Scottish : something about the monster of the Loch Ness mixed with heavy malted odors of brewery and distillery during school trips when we were only allowed to drink glasses of concentrated orange juice that would feel as bad in my stomach […]

Comment choisir un porte-cellule ?

Porte-cellules Uwe en ébène, bois d’amourette et panzerholz Choisir un porte-cellule est un exercice qui peut-être un peu délicat. En effet la matière, la forme, le parti pris mécanique, mais aussi la masse du porte-cellule vont avoir des effets sensibles sur la restitution sonore de votre système. Introduction sommaire à la mécanique d’un bras de […]

Nouveau porte-cellule Uwe en Bubinga et prototype de corps de cellule pour Denon DL-102

Entre le meeting du forum Lenco Heaven  en Belgique et mon périple au sein de la mafia audiophile allemande, j’ai pu m’arrêter chez Uwe qui m’a présenté ses dernières créations. – Porte cellule en bubinga :  Voici donc les premières photos du nouveau porte-cellule en bois de bubinga disponible dès à présent via Cala Mighty […]

Schick plinth in blue…

Schick blue plinth

Thomas – Ok. You asked for blue? (heavy german accent) Me – Yes, Thomas. (à la French) Thomas – Are you vertig? (very solemn) Me – Yes Thomas… (getting seriously worried) Thomas – Allez, les Bleus. Louis XIV – Le bras, c’est moi (Perfect german French accent… and nearly perfect quotation of the French king […]

Photos of Schick Plinths for Garrard 301… Black or grey?

I had quite a few requests about Schick plinths designed for the Garrard 301. Here is one of the first plinths photos. It is designed for a 12″ tonearm with, here, a Schick tonearm armboard. Armboards can be designed to fit nearly any tonearm fixation pattern. As you can see the plinth  is CNC cut to […]

Arve Henriksen and the Uwe malachite body…

We all have a CD that we would dream to have in vinyl, or why not in shellac ( remember the Monophonic experience ? ) … And well one day it is really available in record(s) and this  is exactly what happened with the Chiarursco album of Arve Henriksen. Of course I discovered about it more than […]

Schick Plinth for everybody !

Most vintage turntable users are (quite) obsessed in finding the best plinth available for there precious turntables. Common materials to deal with resonances and vibrations during record playback  are mostly : wood, stone, metal or the very fashionable corian.  Thomas Schick decided to go his own way. His main axis of research was effective damping. What […]