A new HiFi season is starting ! Time for us to launch our next Ana Mighty Vinyl Event which will be held in our Parisian showroom, rue de l’Ermitage – Paris (75020) on the 20th of September from 7:30 PM to around midnight.
First hour of this event will consist in discovering one of the new brands we are proud to import : Funk Firm ! AnEnglish brand well known for its Achromat turntable mat and which deserves to be known even more for it’s range of turntable. We will be demonstrating two of there most compact designs. Why compact designs ? Because we do believe that Funk Firm as find a way to create competitive and musical turntables in compact formats, a major advantage for Parisian flats as standard sized turntables are not so easy to fit in such interiors.
- The Gett! turntable in combination with the brand new Audio Technica VM-95ML cartridge. The Gett! benefits from a very particular tonearm, the F7, using a new thread suspension pivot. This is a clever design that cancel any flaws induced by normal bearing tonearms. Another interesting aspect : the motor is situated to the opposite position of the tonearm basis location. Sound wise ? A surprising level of details with a lot groove.
- The LSD, the Little Super Deck of course ! in combination w
ith AudioTechnica VM-540 ML or AT-33PTG II cartridges. First turntable in Funk Firm range which uses three-pulley Vector drive system, it insures that the bearing rotates freely about a single point. Complemented with the F5 mkII tonearm it offers a wide flexibility of settings and thus offers a large compatibility with various cartridges.
Those two turntables were just reviewed by French HiFi magazines Haute-Fidélité and Vumètre and the reviewers kept wanting to keep them… but we got them nearly back finally ! 😉
For the Funk Firm we will be using our flagship semi-conductor phonostage : the Phasemation EA-500 . With three RCA input and two XLR inputs with either MM or MC configuration : this phonostage makes our life much easier for demonstration purposes. Of course it sounds also absolutely wonderful and you can get more informations about it here. A phonostage full of surprises with a fantastic sound.
As usual, our home chef will cook us a meal and choose the matching white and red wines with it. The menu of the evening will be as follow :
- Mise en bouche (appetizer)
- Starters : Mesclun and chanterelles nearly not cooked
- Main dish : homard (french Lobster !) with linguine and Sauterne sauce
- cheese from the day
- Seasonal plum tart
- Coffee and tea
We will than finally be set for pure audio bliss. We are extremely proud to present you one of the best vinyl set-up we ever brought together :
- A Schröder CB tonearm with an ebony armwand. A classical Ana Mighty Sound tonearm : easy to set up with clever adjustements and functions. No parasitical resonances introduced in the sound ofthe cartridge just the perfect way to drive your cartridge among the grooves of your records.
- The mighty Audio Union Helix Two turntable, a turntable designed by Mark Döhmann and which shares common ground with the Continuum Audio Labs turntable, the longtime reference turntable for Michael Fremer. With this turntable you will be able to understand clearly what is on a record and you will hear nothing else than this content. Pitch black background noises, pitch stability with drive, effortless
soundstage and natural timbre.
- My Sonic Lab Ultra Eminent Bc cartridge : 0.6 ohms of DCR impedance and still 0.3mV of output. Super light coils, proprietary materials to allow the Ultra Eminent Bc to deliver a clean sound with no colorations, realistic dynamics and homogeneous bandwidth response. It is certainly one of the most neutral cartridge we know. Neutral does not mean boring, quite the opposite in fact as this cartridge is able to describe all the subtleties of the records played with a global precision which makes you feel the music as a coherent all and not only a spotlight on one section of the bandwidth only.
- My Sonic Lab Stage 1030 step up… the perfect companion for the Ultra Eminent Bc cartridge. Built up to highend standards it allows a perfect matching of the cartridge specifications to the following phonostage which is….
- Thrax Orpheus phonostage, a LCR valve phonostage which has been receiving numerous positive reviews and awards. Allowing both MM and MC cartridges in three inputs with either balanced or asymetrical inputs, it also displays either balanced or asymetrical outputs and we will be using the asymetrical output with either Thrax Ares or Enyo integrated amps…
This carefully selected and coherent selection of re markable hifi productswill give you the possibility to aprehend vinyl restitution in certainly one of the very best configuration available worldwide.
Electronics used for the event will be Thrax Ares and/or Enyo integrated amps.
Do not hesitate to bring with you your records to have them played and eventually your cartridges for an inspection.
We are expecting you !
Practical informations :
The Ana Mighty Vinyl Event is held every last Thursday of each month in our Parisian showroom rue de l’Ermitage Paris 75020. These events are limited to 12 persons.
The fare for the evening is of 57.50€ by Paypal to semi-fredo@wanadoo.fr or 55€ by bank transfer, check.
Please do confirm your reservation as soon as possible by contacting us at : info@anamightysound.com and keep in mind that the booking is only confirmed by your payment.